10 Simple Home Remedies for Foot Pain Relief

The feet support the weight of your entire body, so it’s no wonder they can get sore after a day of standing. Thankfully, there are many simple home remedies that can help ease foot pain.

Over-the-counter pain relievers and foot stretches can all help alleviate soreness. If the pain persists, talk to your doctor about NSAIDs.

Foot pain can be debilitating, but simple stretches can provide relief. Learn about effective stretches for foot pain in this blog.

1. Massage Your Feet

Working at a desk job, standing for long periods of time or exercising can put a lot of pressure on your feet. Regular foot massage improves circulation and helps reduce swelling, tenderness and pain.

Pour some skin lotion or oil into your hand and massage your feet, concentrating on the toes, arch and heel. Make this routine a daily habit to get relief from foot pain.

2. Apply Ice

Your feet withstand more pressure than any other part of your body, so it’s no wonder they get sore from time to time. Using ice can help reduce pain and swelling by cooling down soft tissues, like muscles, ligaments, and tendons.

Try wrapping a paper cup with ice and placing it under your heel or rolling your foot on a frozen water bottle for 15 minutes several times per day.

3. Take Over-the-Counter Medications

NSAIDs, such as aspirin and ibuprofen, can reduce foot pain. They also relieve inflammation and swelling.

Use a contrast bath. Fill one container with cold water and another with hot water. Immerse your feet in the cold water for five minutes, then switch to the hot water. This “hydromassage” alternately dilates and constricts blood vessels, boosting circulation.

Try ginger. Boil it in water and massage your feet with it.

4. Wear Comfortable Shoes

Wearing shoes that fit well can help with foot pain. Ill-fitting shoes can lead to a variety of foot problems such as bunions, hammertoes, corns and Morton’s Neuroma.

Icing your feet can also help with pain relief. Try wrapping a plastic bag with ice and placing it on your foot a few times a day for 15 minutes at a time.

5. Take NSAIDs

Your feet are under a lot of pressure and can become aching for many reasons. Over-the-counter medications such as acetaminophen and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) can help ease pain and inflammation.

You can also take disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs to treat conditions that cause foot pain such as lupus or rheumatoid arthritis. These drugs work slowly to change the course of inflammatory diseases.

6. Stretch Your Feet

Stretching your feet is a great way to relieve foot pain and improve their health. Try calf and arch stretches to reduce pain.

To make a home-made foot soak, add a cup of epsom salt to a pan of comfortably warm water. The magnesium in epsom salt soothes sore muscles and joints. Alternating between hot and cold baths also encourages blood flow to the feet.

7. Try a Foot Roller

Regular foot rolling can help relieve pain levels, allowing you to sleep better at night. You can use a tennis ball, golf ball, or specialized foam roller.

Place the roller under your foot and gently roll. Never apply too much pressure, as it may cause a blister. The goal is to release tight foot muscles that are pulling on your plantar fascia.

8. Change Your Shoes

The foot is built to support the body, but wearing ill-fitting shoes can cause problems. Changing your shoes can help you feel better.

Flat flip flops, shoes with low or no arch support, and high heels all put extra stress on the feet. This can lead to pain in the ball of the foot. Wear comfortable shoes and change them often.

9. Massage Your Feet

Foot massage increases circulation, which can help reduce pain and swelling. It can also help with foot conditions, like bursitis and broken feet.

To give yourself a foot massage, sit with your leg extended and rub lotion or oil on your foot. Press your knuckles into the foot and massage it, especially around the heel area. Do this every day to get the best results.

10. Try a Foot Wrap

Your feet support your entire body, so it’s no surprise they can get sore. However, many foot pain issues can be addressed with home treatment.

One easy way to ease pain is to use a contrast bath. Try alternating submerging your feet in warm and cold water. Repeat this daily for better results. It also helps to keep your feet flexible and relaxed.